Search results

34 results were found for the search for name:"argentina a beautiful country where the people are even more beautiful"

  • Zabljak, Durmitor, Orjen: All Roads and Trails Lead To the Mountains
    Zabljak, Durmitor, Orjen: All Roads and Trails Lead To the Mountains, ,, Montenegro During the winter months, travel conditions can be aggravating, but this season brings so much charm and turns cities and towns into unrecognizable idyllic landscapes. It is tempting to spend
  • Trsa Eco-Camp - Plužine
    Trsa Eco-Camp - Plužine, ,, Montenegro The village of Trsa is located on the mountain of Piva in Montenegro at 1450m above sea level. At around the 12 km mark on the regional road between Plužine and Žabljak is the village of Trsa, 15 years
  • Bar, Montenegro
    Bar, Montenegro, ,, Montenegro In the 9th century, Bar was known as Antivari/Antibari and remained under the same name, despite a change of rulership when duke Vojislav of Zeta defeated the Byzantine army in 1042. His son, Mihailo